Thursday, December 23, 2010
Christmas Post
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Life in the MTC
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Hermana Spencer's address
This is Samantha, hermana de Hermana Spencer. I will be the one that is upkeeping her blog. If you leave a comment, I will forward it on to her! :) I am also going to be posting her emails.
Her address is:
Sister Allison Kristine Spencer
MTC Mailbox #235
CO-DENS 0209
2005 N 900 E
Provo UT 84604-1793
Allison will be in the MTC until early Feburary. You can write her for free by going here!
She would absolutely love to hear from you...yes you! So please feel free to write her!
Friday, December 3, 2010
Rooting for Modine
This past week has changed my life.
I have felt so wonderful. I have seen why having a Savior is so important.
I've had a week of serving and of being served.
I have really been striving to find people to serve. Most have been small ways. The times when you have a small prompting - and you have to decide are you going to do it, or not. So many of those small things have helped me this week. I have truly had joy this week.
I have also been served this week. So many of my wonderful friends have helped me. Not having a car is a wonderful time to be served. I have appreciated everyone helping me - taking me to the store, work, or even just dropping me off at home.
Do you ever just look at the wonderful people that surround you? I have seen so many wonderful people this week. A lot of them I have recognized as wonderful, but this week I really had a different pair of glasses on. I was able to see people more like the Lord sees them. I wish I could say this is how it always is - but that would not be true.
For example, George. I really love this guy. He has shown me the gospel is for everyone. It really is. He has changed our ward, most certainly for the better. On Friday, I was able to dance with him the last dance. He loves tennis so much - but he always puts a smile on my face. He has been such a wonderful missionary. He loves giving out Book of Mormons or even just talking about the church. Many people who have been members their whole life are not as good as he is.
Also, Kimberly. She is so beautiful and extremely sweet. She is just so classy. I always feel that she is so genuine when I speak to her. Not to mention how wonderful her food looks!
Hannah, I really gained my testimony of visiting teaching from her. I was the one who was supposed to be helping her out when I visited...instead I always found my self up-lifted.
Katelynn - I have been friends with you longer than anyone else. You have helped me see so much. Not only have you helped me graduate from college, you have helped me feel God's love for you and for me. I will always think of so many things - Monty Python, Avril's song "Girlfriend", Quade, skipping all semester of Microbiology, and most importantly Reesesssss Peanut Butter Cups! I love you!
Kip - Even with his crazy grin, he always is there to listen. I have known Kip for a long time. There have been times when we weren't great friends. Oh how I love that we are now. He is seriously one of the nicest people.
Isaac (aka "The Mexican Cowboy") - most people do not even know who Isaac is in our ward. He brings something so different. I love hearing his stories of "blah, blah, blah" and "you know what I'm saying." Anytime I see him, I just want to smile. Seriously H-i-l-a-r-i-o-u-s!
Meekayla! I have had some amazing experiences with her. I see the way the gospel has changed her and realize how it can change others. From knowing her, I see how wonderful it is to scare Cathy with a dog. . . and also great conversations can be had in the Subway parking lot. I trust her.
Kayla, how I miss you. She is in Idaho. Which = not close to Texas! She is one of the most sincere lovely people I have EVER known. Boys, seriously why have you not married her yet. She has helped me know that I can go on a mission. She has been such a wonderful example to me.
Jenny Jo - I always know I have a dirt expert one phone call away - and also a friend! I really hope that one day we can live close again and chat like we used to. I will always remember how you got me dates :) You are a wonderful example of so many things.
Evonne - If people do not know you - they are seriously missing out. You have always served in such a wonderful way. You truly have a gift for seeing what others need - and then you act on it. I will miss you eating popcorn, cheese and Dr. Pepper. :)
Chris - Where ever I go, no matter who I talk to, they always have great things to say about this guy. He never ceases to be a great example and to impress me. People are never numbers to him. He however consistently makes fun of the way I speak and likes to tease me. Que Te Vaya Bien!
Melanie - Can I just simply say that I love you! I am so glad that I got to live with you! I have never met someone with such a wonderful personality. I am so entertained by our friendship - because seriously who else would be Captain von Trapp and dance with me!?!
Kellyanne - Seriously an amazing scriptorian. I am always amazed at her ideas to improve her own scripture study - I may have stolen some Mwahahaha. She is always so kind and loving.
Cathy - She has helped shape me into what I now am, Pal. I love it when Cathy laughs. She is a serious force for good. I love her decorations and she has helped me grow to love enrichment/relief society activities.
The Curtises (I hate making plurals from words that end in s's) - have blessed my life so greatly. They have allowed me to live in their house, use their washer and dryer and also keep me entertained late at night. I am amazed at their wonderful example. I love their quirks. I see that the gospel is a part of them and not just something that they do.
Katie HoHorton - Seriously - she is awesome. I love her smile. When I was getting ready to go to the temple, I was so excited to have her their. I really feel like we feel the same way about the temple. I also love that she is grumpy in the morning :)
Garrett. I have learned so much from this crazy - fun - loving person. From him, I have really learned that having a good time at an event, really depends on yourself. You can be fun, which helps others have fun. I love when we tag team getting to know people. Having a buddy to help fellowship is really the way. He is also not stupid, mostly because he is marrying Sallie.
Sallie - the same one marrying Garrett, is so full of energy. She does it all. I really feel like we can talk about everything. I know that one day she will help me learn to dance less like an uncoordinated white girl :)
Alice - I have always loved talking to you. You are such a wonderful example of enduring to the end. I am always so impressed about how you smile, even when life is hard. You have always encouraged me. The Lord truly knew what he was doing when he let me have you as a friend!
Danielle - I know I have only known you for a short time - but I am already impressed. You hold your yourself to a high standard. I want to be more like you. I love your cute laugh and your smile. I look forward to getting back and you showing me some good cowboy moves on the dance floor!
Anna B - I love her so much! I always love her great Relief Society lessons and how she always seems to think that since I know science and can cook - I know the anwer to all of life's questions!
Sarah - Never have I met anyone who has more Texas Pride. She has blessed my life. She has shown me how to really laugh. I know the gospel has changed her by the way she talks. Remember the only time you can cry during a card game is when Sarah is mad at you :)
Anna/Anna - I love you. I miss working with you. I will always miss you trying to compete at any of the tinest things. And just for the record - just because I'm Mormon does not mean that I am automatically good at everything!
Ashish - I am going to miss us running around hiding from you know who lol. I will miss your laugh and when you "try" to teast me hahahaha. The lab experience was so much better because of you.
Stephen - Thank you for always making me laugh! I am going to miss hearing your crazy stories and you using the word "gentiles." I'm glad we got over those akward moments.
Sam Sarlls - I love you. Because of you I now say something and want to then sing a song that is directly related to it. You have helped me love who I am more. You are awesome. I will miss hearing you sing.
Mitchell - You are awesome and amazing! I had so much fun with you at Halloween this year! I love your photography - keep it up!
Kyle - Thank you for always being so nice to me! You sersioulsy are great. I will certainly miss getting those skinny hugs from you!
Phil - Need I say more? I am still waiting for you to seranade me! You are so fantastic. There is no way that people cannot smile when you smile at them. I will miss giving you hugs - you always smell great!
I have almost run out of brain power....there are so many countless others that have helped me see the Savior.
This weekend was Stake Conference. I have felt so amazed by our Stake Presidency.
One story was of a girl named Modine. She was not the most attractice, intelligent girl. The kids made fun of her until a wise teacher prayed about what to do. He was inspired to give the kids in the class an assignment. He asked them to help her with her studies. The students then began to "root for Modine." They wanted her to succeed just as much as they wanted themselves to succeed. They began to love her. They all "fought" for time with her. After a short while that is what unified them.Not long after this miraculous change, Modine died in a plane accident. They were devestated, because they truly loved her.
When we act on promptings from the Spirit - we can bless others. We can change their life.Lets have charity instead of criticism. So let's "Root for Modine" by rooting for our fellowmen.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving
Yesterday I loaded up all of my stuff and moved to Hobbs. I was worried about being homeless - how could I ever think I would be homeless?
I got here and saw my little and not so little nephews. Kaleb greeted me by biting my shoe with my foot in it. Aaron and I went over spelling bee words - smart kid.
My mom and I went to lunch and it was simply amazing.
I even took a nap!
We made pies.
I think I will always remember times with my mom like this. I was cutting up apples and she was cooking. We chat. It truly is the little things that count.
This morning, like most Thanksgivings, my mom wakes me up and I start the turkey. (Ohh and it smells yummy!) We start preparing for the day.
This Thanksgiving is so different from so many others. This is the first time all of my siblings are not together on Thanksgiving. My mom and I were talking about the things we miss. Samantha would be sleeping and I would try to wake her up to make the rolls because I had already mixed two batches. Zac would be playing X-box and sneaking little bites of food (we all do that). I miss hearing my two older brother's laughter. Josh has my favorite laugh in the whole entire world. And when mixed with Jakes, there is no way that I will not smile. Kim is always so funny. Every year she makes the green bean cassorole. Every year Samantha teases her about the one time she made the mashed potatoes and put too much pepper in them. We spend all morning on our great feasts - which usually only takes twenty minutes until we are all stuffed....then we still return for seconds. The little kids always ask for more soda....and they usually get it.
More than anything I am going to miss all the love that I feel when I walk in and everyone is talking. There is something truly wonderful about families. Even when we disagree or fight - we always return with love in our hearts. What other relationships are like that?
I can think of one or two. The love our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ have with us. I am so grateful this day for the knowledge that I have of my Heavenly Home. I know that heaven is much like the way I feel when I come home.
Lately, I have been really worried about leaving. When I see an expiration date that is past the day I am leaving - I want to cry. How rediculous is that? I am working on an attitude adjustment. I should be excited to leave - because I get to serve. Not that I shouldn't be glad to leave, but that I should be glad to do the things that my Father in Heaven wants me to do!
O, How great is our God! I really do love Thanksgiving.
I am so blessed with a wonderful family, awesome friends and just a great life!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
The Refiner's Fire
Here then is a great truth. In the pain, the agony, and the heroic endeavors of life, we pass through a refiner’s fire, and the insignificant and the unimportant in our lives can melt away like dross and make our faith bright, intact, and strong. In this way the divine image can be mirrored from the soul. It is part of the purging toll exacted of some to become acquainted with God. In the agonies of life, we seem to listen better to the faint, godly whisperings of the Divine Shepherd.
Into every life there come the painful, despairing days of adversity and buffeting. There seems to be a full measure of anguish, sorrow, and often heartbreak for everyone, including those who earnestly seek to do right and be faithful. The thorns that prick, that stick in the flesh, that hurt, often change lives which seem robbed of significance and hope. This change comes about through a refining process which often seems cruel and hard. In this way the soul can become like soft clay in the hands of the Master in building lives of faith, usefulness, beauty, and strength. For some, the refiner’s fire causes a loss of belief and faith in God, but those with eternal perspective understand that such refining is part of the perfection process.
In our extremities, it is possible to become born again, born anew, renewed in heart and spirit. We no longer ride with the flow of the crowd, but instead we enjoy the promise of Isaiah to be renewed in our strength and “mount up with wings as eagles” (Isa. 40:31).
The proving of one’s faith goes before the witnessing, for Moroni testified, “Ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith” (Ether 12:6). This trial of faith can become a priceless experience. Stated Peter, “That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ” (1 Pet. 1:7). Trials and adversity can be preparatory to becoming born anew.
A rebirth out of spiritual adversity causes us to become new creatures. From the book of Mosiah we learn that all mankind must be born again—born of God, changed, redeemed, and uplifted—to become the sons and daughters of God. (See Mosiah 27:24–27.)
The Divine Shepherd has a message of hope, strength, and deliverance for all. If there were no night, we would not appreciate the day, nor could we see the stars and the vastness of the heavens. We must partake of the bitter with the sweet. There is a divine purpose in the adversities we encounter every day. They prepare, they purge, they purify, and thus they bless.
Out of the refiner’s fire can come a glorious deliverance. It can be a noble and lasting rebirth. The price to become acquainted with God will have been paid. There can come a sacred peace. There will be a reawakening of dormant, inner resources. A comfortable cloak of righteousness will be drawn around us to protect us and to keep us warm spiritually. Self-pity will vanish as our blessings are counted.
-President Faust
Monday, November 15, 2010
Sadness, Joy and Sister Hugie
It started off with wonderful music. Adam burnt me a CD that is fantastic. It makes me smile.
Work was great. I really love the people that I work with. Seriously how did I get this Lucky?
Levi - He is so hilarious. Our office would not be nearly as funny. Always remember: "Never breast-feed while driving!"
Anna - I am going to miss her so much. She helps me be a better employee and a better person. I love her coca cola addiction lol :)
Jeannie - My boss. I know that she cares about us. That is something that is so great about her. I love it when we just sit around and laugh. Ohh and she always tries to get us to eat things!
I stopped by the institute. Plug for institute - one of the best places you can ever spend time in. It has been a wonderful place for me for many years. The Curtises, Elders and Chris were there. There is nothing like walking into a place and feeling peace and a sense of belonging.
Tonight I got my first companion! The sisters needed someone to go on exchanges with them and I got to go with Sister Hugie! We went to a members house, who had a part member family over. We watched Finding Faith in Christ and talked about how we can increase faith. It was wonderful. Not only do I love that video, but I started to love the people as well. In the video, Christ says - "and be not faithless, but believing!"
Then some FHE! Some Chuck! Good day.
The sadness and joy come from thinking about leaving. It is so soon. I know that it will be great, but I am so nervous. A good cry is in order :)
Sunday Singing
I wore my awesome tights and my new missionary sweater!
I had meetings! I went and sawll Chief! His family is so amazing and wonderful.
As soon as I walked in he said, "We're eating. You want some? You are going to eat." So I ate.
I seriously love the Lubbock College Park Ward! Awesome.
My lesson went ok.
I had the opportunity to see lots of people from my family ward.
Our ward is simple amazing.
Sacrament is always great. Relief Society always helps me realize that there are so many wonderful women in our ward. I'm lucky!
I then went over to Melanie's house for a sing-along.
I have had a sore throat for like a week now, but it was so much fun.
We sang everything from Phantom to Lord of the Rings.
Justin, Stephen, Micah, Charlie, Kyle, Jessica, and Melanie were there!
It was so much fun.
The best song was Total Eclipse of the Heart. So FUNNY!
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Saturday, November 13, 2010
I pity the fool!
Can I say that I am pitying a little today. So most of these things will not matter tomorrow.
Today I feel like I have already left. I feel like people don't want to invest in me, because I am leaving. It seems this way to me. Which means that I am being stupid.
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I pity the fool! Makes me think of Kali Pearce! |
So because of this I can not pity myself, I need to help others feel wanted, so I can feel wanted.
The pity party is over and now I have to get to work. I have no time for this.
Anyone know where I can find some good waterproof boots in Lubbock?
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
President Dalley
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Dr. / President Dalley |
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Busy Day
Tired. Sleepy. Run down. Fatigued. Drowsy.
Today has been a very good day.
I guess most good days start off with the night before them.
Katie, Cathy and Dawn kidnapped me literally. They are so fantastic. I love them. They literally barged into my room and told me that I was leaving. They took me to Cathy's for a girl's night! We discussed a lot of things and had a lot of laughs.
This morning we woke up and volunteered at the Food Bank! I love going there. We basically put boxes together, but there is something wonderful about taking time from your day and using it to help others!
Then I was fortunate enough to go to the temple! I got to do sealings for the first time! The temple is beautifully simple!
Choir practice - I will eventually get the C to F down! We need more altos - I am the only one!
Eat :)
Babysit! I got to babysit my nephew Kaleb! He is so wonderful!
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Just so you know...he is not my baby! |
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
"I just want to be unhappy"
Like .... want something a lot, a lot?
And sometimes during those sometimes......
the answer is no....
But you still want it....
I am so glad that Heavenly Father has given us the Spirit to help guide us to the answers we need, and sometimes the ones we do not want.
We have those times when we might want to say "I just want to be unhappy!" But, we know He has a plan and it will bring us happiness.
So what do we do in the mean time....between the "no" answer and the peace that eventually comes when we aline our will with the Father's?
We ask for peace and help. Thats really what we have to do.
And we go to His house.
"Present Allison has no patience!"
Sallie, "Tell Present Allison to shove it."
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Sometimes I wish I could lay in the grass and close my eyes and feel the hot sun.....
My life has been noteworthy good!
I have wonderful friends.
I am very blessed.
Today, I had a good experience at work. Anna and I were at this large career fair for high school students. We were next to several Texas Tech booths. Towards the end of the event, Jennifer ( the lady next to us), started to talk to us. Some how it came up that I would be leaving and she asked where I would be going and why. So I told her about my mission. She then proceeded to ask "can I ask you some questions?" - OF COURSE (I didn't say it that excited, but I was this excited). She asked me if Mormons hated black people (this is what she heard when her and her family were thinking of moving to SLC). So I of course told her we do not. She then asked me some other things. Anna chimed in and said that she was not a member but loved the church. She said that there are a lot of misconceptions about the LDS people. After, the conversation with Jennifer, I invited her to come to church. It felt completely natural, simple. She said that she was not interested in coming to church, mainly because her husband would not agree. She was so glad that she asked me these questions. She said that she felt so glad knowing that LDS people did not feel/act that way.
This was a testimony builder to me that we need to speak up more. We are not weird. We are normal people that happen to believe in Jesus Christ and Prophets!
I really do love the gospel --> love, peace, truth, happiness and joy!
The gospel helps me feel sunshine.
This past weekend, I was able to go to the temple. It was an amazing experience. I felt so loved - from Heavenly Father, Family, and Friends.
I am so glad that I am surrounded by amazing people.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Flood of 2010
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Flood from last year - Walmart Parking Lot |
but stuck....
I laughed....cried....laughed again....worried.....felt the waves of water coming close to the car
Luckily, I had one of these....
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My Big Brother Josh |
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
I like to keep my costumes some what secretive, but I need some help. This costume has to be great because Halloween next year will be spent as Hermana Spencer!
Here are some ideas:
- Flo - the progressive girl
- Alien Host - have an alien coming out of my midsection lol.
- Prom Queen Reject - basically look ugly in a prom dress and have a sash that says reject...
- Kissing booth - not likely for me to do it
- Just got dumped - you wear slippers a bath robe and have lots of tissues from crying, messy hair and mascara running down your cheeks. You also have an empty Ben and Jerry's container and a picture of your "ex" torn up!
- Old school house wife
I really want it to be awesome or make me look cute....
Those are some online examples....
What should I be?
Friday, October 15, 2010
Fear not, I am with thee; O be not dismayed!
Is laid for your faith in his excellent word;
What more can he say than to you he hath said?
You, who unto Jesus, for refuge have fled.
In poverty's vale, or abounding in wealth,
At home and abroad, on the land, on the sea,
As thy days may demand, so thy succor shall be.
For I am thy God, and will still give thee aid;
I'll strengthen thee, help thee, and cause thee to stand,
Upheld by my righteous, omnipotent hand.
The rivers of sorrow shall not thee o'erflow;
For I will be with thee, thy troubles to bless,
And sanctify to thee thy deepest distress.
My grace all-sufficient shall be thy supply;
The flame shall not hurt thee; I only design,
Thy dross to consume, and thy gold to refine.
My sov'reign eternal, unchangeable love;
And then, when grey hairs shall their temples adorn,
Like lambs they shall still in my bosom be borne.
I will not, I cannot, desert to his foes:
That soul, though all hell should endeavor to shake,
I'll never - no, never, no, never forsake!”
Thursday, October 14, 2010
For months I have wondered if I should post my blog on:
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Where you find out what they were up to this weekend... If someone is upset.... Giddy..... Or most importantly engaged lol! |
But, I want to eventually have tales from missionary me on here.
So here goes nothing.
Welcome new stalkers! I hope what I write about it at least worth a small fraction of your time!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Cheddar Potato Soup
Sunday, October 10, 2010
10:10 10/10/10
- This consisted of turning on the dishwasher at the exact time.
- Checking the news stations to find out if anything special was going on.
- AND a half spirited Wahoo!

Saturday, October 9, 2010
What I need for the Mission Part 1







Day off - not really.


Tuesday, October 5, 2010
The Book of Mormon

I love the Book of Mormon.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
T-10 weeks



Monday, September 27, 2010
My Mission Call

Saturday, September 25, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010

Sunday, September 19, 2010
Men of learning, men of experience sought out this humble, unlettered man of God and counted themselves fortunate if they could spend an hour with him. His appearance was ordinary; his English was halting and somewhat difficult to understand; his home was unpretentious. He didn’t own a car or a television. He wrote no books and preached no polished sermons and did none of the things to which the world usually pays attention. Yet the faithful beat a path to his door. Why? Because they wished to drink at his fountain of truth. They appreciated not so much what he said as what he did, not the substance of the sermons he preached but the strength of the life he led.
To know that a poor man consistently and cheerfully gave at least twice a tenth to the Lord gave one a clearer insight into the true meaning of tithing. To see him minister to the hungered and take in the stranger made one know that he did it as he would do to the Master. To pray with him and partake of his confidence of divine intercession was to experience a new medium of communication.
Well could it be said that he kept the first and great commandment and the second which is like unto it,that his bowels were full of charity toward all men, that virtue garnished his thoughts unceasingly and, consequently, his confidence waxed strong in the presence of God.
This man had the glow of goodness and the radiance of righteousness. His strength came from obedience.
The strength which we earnestly seek today to meet the challenges of a complex and changing world can be ours when, with fortitude and resolute courage, we stand and declare with Joshua, “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”
I want the Lord to be able to say the same for me. So...with this being my motivation I started off the day trying to make a difference. Life has been rough for me and must have been rough with others as well. I tried to smile more and talk to people with my whole heart. At times I have failed today...really bombed. But the Lord was aware of my efforts and everything so far has worked out well.
I have heart someone unintentionally - and I feel really bad about it. I isn't as bad as it sounds, but I know that I could have handled it better.
I know my life is not for me - its to bless others. I have felt so many blessings today. I am so grateful! The Lord truly loves me. I hope one day I will be a person that others feel great around. That they will want to be better by knowing me and that in my presence they will feel love. I guess I'm saying "I'm trying to be like Jesus."