So I am sitting in the lab right now.
I've been alone here all day, which in my lab is quite unusual!
There is my lab and me with my flies!
But I wish it looked like this:
I really miss these people!
So Update:
I got back from my UT interview on Sunday. It was a good weekend but I am not sure that I fit in in Austin. I had one of those weekends when you realize how different you are. I was inspired last week by some of the faculty from UT. . . . (While writing this blog I have just received admission to UT!) So I have at least got into one school! But the faculty at UT do great things.
This is one of their photos. I really enjoy microscopy. Well now I feel like I need to think about UT a little more. I really did not expect to hear back so soon! Science!
The whole UT thing is very confusing to me. You know the abbreviation for Utah is UT, right? It took me a couple of re-readings to realize you were talking about university of Texas...But now I get it, and am excited for you to come to UT!