Monday, May 27, 2013

Its been a while

Life has kept going as it always does.
I always want to say something profound and wise when I blog, but maybe I should be content with my usual, everyday thoughts. Much and very little have happened over the past months. Isn't that how it always is?

Today, I have been thinking about what gives life meaning. I always feel like big things make life exciting and interesting. These elusive moments are longed for. The ever present idea of "when this happens" or "if this happens" seem to invade my mind. Over the past months I have done many things that were new. I signed a very long contract to purchase my new car. I did many supposedly gown-up things at work. I traveled to Las Vegas all by myself. I dated. I overcame one my biggest personal trials. The list goes on....

Someone asked me recently about where do I see myself in ten years. I said all of the usual things - married, kids..... Then they asked about my goals. My goal is to be happy. At the time the answer seemed kinda lame, but thinking about the act of "being happy" right now is kinda daunting.

My friend Kyle and I spoke this week. We are both in similar positions in life. We work at our "grown up jobs," we live at home with our moms, and are about the same age. He said, "I'm 25 and I live at home. I might as well start buying cats." I told him, "Kyle, I'm almost 25 and I live at home and I HAVE a cat." Hahaha.

So how do I as a almost 25 year old, living at home, cat owning chemist add meaning and happiness to my life? This is something that I need to think about.

However, in my reading today I found something wonderful. A war between the Nephites and Lamanites has just ended. At this time the people have been very obedient and are prospering.

Alma 50

19 And thus we see how merciful and just are all the dealings of the Lord, to the fulfilling of all his words unto the children of men; yea, we can behold that his words are verified, even at this time, which he spake unto Lehi, saying:

20 Blessed art thou and thy children; and they shall be blessed, inasmuch as they shall keep my commandments they shall prosper in the land. But remember, inasmuch as they will not keep my commandments they shall be cut off from the presence of the Lord.

23 But behold there never was a happier time among the people of Nephi, since the days of Nephi, than in the days of Moroni, yea, even at this time, in the twenty and first year of the reign of the judges.

I love this promise. I love that Heavenly Father keeps His promises. Just like Mosiah 2:41 these show that as we keep the commandments we can have happiness.

The Lord has made so many promises to me. I always expect life to be VERY exciting and full of huge moments. I struggle with seeing the beauty in the small things in life, but have had several moments recently where I was fully aware of the simple beauty of everyday life.

One of them happened a week ago. I was sitting on a huge tube next to my MTC comp Sis. Thomas. We were tubing in Las Vegas. I had never been before and like always when trying new things, I was nervous. It was wonderful. I was laughing so hard as we both tried to stay on. The water was freezing. I just kept laughing and laughing. I have not felt a trill like that for a while. It was wonderful.

Another one happened over a month ago. I was sitting in the back of a pick up truck driving around Lubbock. Something told me to take it in. Looking at the stars and feeling that awesome Lubbock wind felt different.

Another was talking to a good friend late at night while being upset. He mentioned the importance of having meaningful conversation in a friendship.

Another was hearing my nephew pray for our family.

So my life may not be super exciting. It may even be quite dull. But its up to me to choose to be happy. Its up to me to find meaning in small things.

With love from Hobbs....


  1. I'm going to make a few comments as I read this. First, "Where do you see yourself in five years?"

    Is that not the most bogus question ever? It's training young people to set expectations for life that in reality they have little control over. I'm guessing that in five years both of us hope we'll have a chance at a family. But we don't know. We don't know if we'll be in the same careers, we don't know if we'll be in the same location.

    The goals question is more appropriate, and I love your answer. I also want to be happy, and that is something I have the ability to achieve. I want to find continued meaning in my life, wherever I am, whatever I'm doing. And I hope to make life a little better for people around me, as well.

  2. I think appreciating the small things has a lot to do with dispelling those unrealistic expectations for life, and learning to love what we have instead of continually setting ourselves up for disappointment. In a way, it's learning to let go of the simplified, grand statements we think we want to make in our lives, and realizing that we can make thousands of smaller statements that mean just as much, even though they aren't as visible.

  3. Last, I don't know what kind of meaning was in our visit to Hobbs last weekend, but it sure was wonderful. The slides, the sun, the salad, the parrot, the bed big enough for three of us to sleep in. One of the best weekends I've had in a while!

  4. Missionary Photos Wanted for New LDS BOOK!
    Author Mike Winder is working with Deseret Book-owned Covenant Communications on a missionary photo book that will contain inspiring quotes, scriptures, and thoughts to help inspire young people to serve a mission.
    He is looking for amazing missionary photos from around the world. Do you have any favorite pics that evoke emotion (inspiring, humorous, etc.)? Do you have any photos with your companion in front of temples or iconic images (Big Ben, Golden Gate Bridge, Asian pagodas, etc.)? Do you have any showing missionaries in action (service projects, teaching, tracting, baptizing, etc.)? How about funny missionary pics, ones with the Book of Mormon, with food, with kids, or with animals?
    If so, please email a few of your favorite ones to by July 31. Images must be at least 1MB in size to be published (low resolution images would be too blurry in print).
