Monday, August 30, 2010


I wish I had time to blog :)

Life is really great! I work alot - like a grown up.

I have lots of things to talk about, but only SUPER important thing!
But, TODAY my mission papers are being sent to Salt Lake City!

So now to check the mail!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Spoonfulls of Life Lessons

My life feels very mundane....

I wake up late...(always because I didn't go to bed when I should have)

I rush around trying to look like I spent more time on myself (and usually I fail)

I then run literally to work

I sit behind a desk working and watching TV (I'm almost to the third season of Bewitched)

Then....I hang out with someone/ something/ alone

Hopefully eat something

Sleep - not enough

I'm not complaining tons....I just wish life had a little more excitement.

Sometimes I think I'm not very well rounded, or in other words boring.

Putting aside all of these things - I am going on a mission and that is something to look forward to!


P.S. I am in love with blog stalking, sometimes I worry about myself :)