Friday, October 5, 2012

Fat, low fat and the media!

This morning while I was eating my morning quesadilla pondering the complexities of life, I had the thought "How do they make food low fat?"

I think about things like this all of the time. So what do I do when I get to work? I use my awesome googling skills.

I was first thinking about scientifically how do they make food low fat, but then this appeared. Apparently there is a lot of tension with nutritionist about the use of low fat foods. Many times a low fat food is high in carbs. My example is Twizzlers.

A low fat candy! I happen to love them, even though some people say they are like plastic. But clearly they are not very nutritious. Low in fat and high in sugar.

According to my "research" (meaning some googling) many people have bought into the low fatness and instead increased their sugar intake making them fat. So many people buy low fat yogurt, sour cream, low fat oreos. Fat tastes good! So when they take it out of products they have to add something to make it taste better - sugar! Obviously this is not all foods, but many of them. This is something I want to look into just because.

My next thought was "How does the media dictate how we perceive food?"

This week its eat more carrots to improve your eye sight! Next week its eat 1 cup of oatmeal and your acne will be cured! Obviously I'm exaggerating.  But seriously, how much can we trust what we hear on TV or in a magazine? I am always a skeptic when it comes to these claims. But how much should we believe? How are we influenced by the media? I feel like we don't do a good job as consumers. We believe what is fed to us. I really wish that "the media" always told the truth AND more importantly I wish that we would look into things instead of always believing them.

This is kind of random. I am not the best writer, but these are my Friday morning thoughts.
I want to hear what y'all think of this.

With love from New Mexico,


  1. so I am totally planning to study a little bit about this for my rhetorical theory class. the rhetoric of food is really fascinating. and it's everywhere.

    if you are really bored, here are some articles I was looking at the other day about food and class and stuff.

    1. Well then we should talk. These are just the beginnings of thoughts. I will definitely look into these links!

  2. Many foods that are advertized as "low fat" never actually had much fat to begin with. For example, Twizzlers, Swedish Fish, and Smarties. These were always completely made of sugar and plastic (or, in the case of Smarties, powdered tile grout). The "low fat" on the package is a clever marketing ploy to make you think that they are somehow healthy and have maybe even changed their ingredients to make it so. I also have an important link to share:
