Thursday, November 17, 2011

Yo tengo un sueno.......I helped someone become a Mexican Citizen

Dear Family and Friends,

This last week was really great. We had some great trainings and some great lessons.

First of all, our president met with us this last Friday and we talked about the progression of the mission and So Denver is one of nine cities in which the church is doing the campaign. If it goes well they will do it nationally. They also gave all of us missionaries copies of all of the commercials and videos on Random people are showing up to church and saying "I want to get baptized." There are so many miracles that missionaries are seeing. I wish with all of my heart that it was in Spanish as well.

After that I had my interview with my president. It was wonderful to talk to him about things. I have no idea if I will stay here, or what. There is a good chance that I will leave (I mean I've only been here for 9months), but there is also a chance that I could stay. If I leave I will probably white wash and train or something crazier will happen. Either way it will be great. Only two more weeks. I also learned that I again need to have more patience with myself. I feel that so much. My president is wonderful. He also gave me marriage advice....he does that a lot with me lol.

We also had a great lesson the other day with Hilda. We had a powerful district meeting about the Spirit. I again committed myself to pay more attention to the Spirit. That lesson with Hilda was right after this meeting. We had decided that we were going to talk about Joseph Smith. I felt like we needed to read Joseph Smith History. Afterwards, she told us we were witches. .... Hna. Romero said "did you just call us witches?" We were all laughing and then she said she meant good witches because we always knew what she needed to hear...or in other words.....the Spirit was helping us. It was just a powerful lesson because I felt love for her and Heavenly Father blessed us to know what to say and do.

So ... this morning I helped someone become a Mexican citizen. It wasn't a big deal but it was funny. We went to the Mexican consul and were witnesses for one of our less actives. It was nice to be there with everything written in Spanish and only people around that spoke Spanish. It made me want to go to Mexico. The less actives dad gave me 100 pesos lol. So I now need to go!

This Sunday again I realized how much I love this ward and the people. Hna. Orellana came up to me and gave me a hug. I asked her how to Book of Mormon reading was going (I invited her to start reading again). She said that she has seen so many miracles in her life since she began reading again. She thanked me so much for inviting her to read. She said that she felt like I gave my heart into that question and that I should have more people do it. It again showed me that God magnifies what I do and that I have made a difference in this ward. Sacrament meeting was great. I just felt an abundance of the Spirit. I felt peace and happiness. I was sitting between two less actives that I love. Hna. Romero was with Manuel and his family and Hilda was sitting in front of me. I saw Hno. Rivera bless the sacrament and so many other people. I love them all so much. The talks were about the importance of prayer and I just felt so wonderful the whole time I was sitting there. I am so not good enough to have these blessings. After wards....we realized that we didn't have a teacher sooo.....what did that mean? Missionaries teach! So Elder Ovalle and I taught the class. We read 3 Nephi 27 and it was great. We had so many great investigators in the class and great less actives. It was wonderful. Afterwards Hna Romero and I taught YW. It was wonderful....(I also didn't know we were teaching that class until after sacrament). We talked about the scriptures and I got to yet again bear my testimony of the Book of Mormon. I love the Book of Mormon so much. It has changed my life so much and I know that it is true. The Spirit was so strong in that class and half of them were crying. Ana Rivera (the daughter of the family we helped activate) bore her testimony of the scriptures. That family is just so different now that they live the gospel. We committed all of them to read the scriptures this week for at least 15 minutes a day. I am so excited to see the blessings in their lives.

On Saturday we had the ward activity. It was a super long activity and I was super nervous. I sang for the first time in public....and guess what I couldn't hear myself at all lol....hopefully people were not lying when they said we sound good. We sang ABBA...I have a dream. It was wonderful to just be with the ward.

This weekend we also saw Hno. Palacios. He was diagnosed with Cancer last month and has went through intense chemo. We can't go see him often because he is outside of the mission, but this week he was able to go home for a little while. He looked so much older, like he has aged 20 years. He talked about the things we take advantage of. He talked about having saliva and using your legs. He was able to go to the church yesterday for the first time in a long time. He was early. He always tells us that we can show God how we love Him based on what time we get to church...late or early. I love that man. He brought such a great Spirit to the class and the sacrament.

All in all, I love my mission. I love the people here and am finally feeling like I can help people. Or better yet that the Lord can work through me.

Hermana Spencer

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